Wednesday, June 4, 2008

An evening with M. Jeroufi

Last night in Merkaz Einav in Tel Aviv hundreds of people spend an evening of nostalgic music with Chabad singer Mendi Jeroufi, a show that was produced by David Crombie.

A few hours before his performance, Jeroufi told that he was hoarse and doesn't know if he will be able to the show. "I wrote a "pan" and sent it away to the Ohel and I hope with G-d's help everything will be alright and that I will be able to perorm tonight," he said.

If one is to judge from how things turned out on stage, the Rebbe's bracha definitely helped. He managed to rock the crowd for a long time with his great hits as well as from all time hits sung by the greatest chassidic singers in our time.

There were also many Chabad songs sung by Yisrael Parnes. "If this was supposed to have been an evening of nostalgia then there has to be a slot for Chabad songs too," he said

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